Essential Yoga Therapy offers a gentle, therapeutic orientation to yoga that is supportive of those with limited mobility, or who are living with chronic pain and illness. Founder Robin Rothenberg specializes in assisting people in their recovery from Long-COVID. If you or a loved one is suffering from the fatigue, brain-fog, neurological and cardiac symptoms associated with long-hauler’s syndrome, contact Robin today! She will facilitate your journey back to health and the life you love!


Trainings and Upcoming Events


Robin’s Zoom Club: Igniting Intuition - April 29 - May 24 | Mon and Fridays only 7-8 a.m. PST

What messages guide your choices, informing you when to swim towards some new adventure and when to cautiously refrain? Can you differentiate between intuition and fear masking as discernment? How do you know you ‘know’? This series is an invitation to sharpen your inner vision and cultivate trust, confidence, shraddha, as it is known in Sanskrit.

Robin’s Zoom Club: Bootcamp Returns! - June 10-14, July 8-12 - 6:00-7:30 a.m.

Treat yourself to two full weeks of challenge and fun! Robin will serve up a solid hour of strong, bone-building asana, followed by pranayama, meditation, and a well-earned svasana. All practices are recorded for your continued enjoyment. Stretch bands and light-weights (3-5 lbs.) will be used in this program. Let’s meet on the mat and keep our bodies and minds fit through summer! 


Online Classes

Robin Rothenberg’s workshops at YogaU offers online yoga education for every body. Her online classes help you develop a better understanding of how the body and mind function. Participate from wherever you are in the world.


IAYT Accredited Therapist Training

The Essential Yoga Therapy Therapist Training program takes seasoned, mature, yoga teachers and provides them the skills and knowledge to become competent yoga therapists.


Breathing Lite and Restoring Prana with Robin Rothenberg

Prana is the animating force that supports and sustains us — akin to the concept of ‘qi’ in Chinese Medicine. Cultivating a rich reservoir of prana is the essential goal of yoga practice and pranayama the primary tool to actualize it. It is the containment of prana that enables our vitality to thrive. This requires us to train ourselves to need less breath — not more. Click below to learn about Robin’s new book, Restoring Prana: A Therapeutic Guide to Pranayama and Healing Through the Breath, for Yoga Therapists, Yoga Teachers and Healthcare Practitioners.


Work with Robin

Yoga therapy practices are precisely adapted for people who suffer from chronic pain or illness to respect their limitations. Work with Robin in a group setting, individually, or in a personalized breathing lite workshop.


Start your Journey with Essential Yoga Therapy

We’d love to hear from you! Book a training, ask a question, send a comment, or just say hello. We’d love to talk about what’s prompted you to reach out and how we can help you along your personal journey.
